You don’t need a new website to grow your business—start with what you have


With all of the talk about digital strategy, branding, and content marketing, it can be overwhelming to know where to focus your energy in order to get your business off the ground. Competition is fierce, and there’s a never ending stream of creators with their spin on what you need to be successful.

The truth is there’s nothing inherently wrong with any of those things. Creating a solid digital strategy to guide your decisions and accomplish your specific goals is great. Having a solid brand in place that embodies who you are is helpful. Consistently creating content that reflects your business, resonates with your audience, and helps people find you is crucial.

But they aren’t the main thing.

The main thing is your business.

The product you’re selling. The service you’ve created to make people’s lives better. The platform you want to create to empower others.

What have you done lately to build that? Have you started conversations with potential customers? Have you tested your idea to make sure that people actually want it? Have you validated there’s a need for your product?

It’s easy to get swept up in the never ending stream of things to do—so much so that you forget the main thing. Your business.

And we believe the best place to start is where you are, with what you have. Try that idea. Write that crazy article you’ve been mulling over. Create a test product and have your friends try it and give you feedback. 

See what works and incorporate into your plan. Find out what doesn’t and let it go.

As you take steps, you’ll gain momentum. And as you gain momentum, what works will become clear. And as you gain clarity, you’ll have opportunities to refine your strategy, solidify your brand, create a new website, and market consistently.

But you’ll never get there if you don’t remember to start.


What’s that next step you need to take?

What’s that idea you can test out?

What can you do to set aside time this week to focus on that one thing?  

That’s all you need—go do it.

And when you’re ready for that digital strategy or if you need an outside perspective to help you gain clarity, or maybe you’re flat out stuck and need a nudge, NewCulture is here to help.

Jon Horton

Whether he’s working in ministry at a church or helping nonprofits with technology, Jon has a lifelong desire to pastor others, help them follow the way of Jesus, and equip them as they discover their purpose.


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